Gondola Backer PanelsUnislat Display Systems

Custom Gondola Backer Panel

Finding enough space to display product in a retail setting can sometimes be a daunting task. Gondola Backer Panels allow retailers to add product to the back of the display, behind the shelving.


Lightweight and durable, they can be built tall and loaded with product without falling over. Each Unislat Gondola Backer Panel is 12” high - simply stack on top of each other to get the desired height. Each panel adds 4 square feet of useable space.


The unit shown at left uses three Gondola Backer Panels stacked on top of each other for a height of 36".

part number description weight panel width color
US-070 1 Gondola Backer Panel 10 lbs. 36" or 48" see options
NOTE: indicate color when ordering - White (WHT), Black (BLK), Dove Gray (DG), Sandstone (SST), Aluminum (AL).